Accessing MyLab Finance

Access to MyLab Finance may be integrated into your course webpage.  If not, you can register for MyLab Finance with a course ID from your instructor.  Ask him or her for this ID, or better yet, ask him for a pdf file that gives the ID as well as the instructions below on how to register for MyLab Finance.  Once you have that, do the following:

Type MyLab Finance into Google. (or click here)

Under Register Now, select “Student”, then “OK, Register now”

Select “I have a course ID”

Enter your instructor’s course ID, and Continue.

Enter your existing Pearson account username and password to sign in or create a new Pearson account if you don’t have one.

Enter your MyLab Finance access code that came with your book, or follow the links to purchase an access code.  In some cases you can get a temporary free code.

(Note: If you obtain a temporary code and let the code expire before you purchase MyLab Finance, all your work will be lost and your instructor will not be able to assign a grade for any of it.)

From the You’re Done! page, select “Go To My Courses”.

On the My Courses page, select your course.